Thursday, 10 May 2018

The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Logistics 4.0

Logistics has been the fundamental basis of the evolution of man, as modernity was arriving, production processes had to change, which led to humanity advancing as its logistical processes allowed it. First, the steam arrived, with it the first machines not moved by human or animal force, the large-scale production created the industrial world, then came the electricity, the chain production applied to the industry, and then the electronics appeared, the technologies of information and automation of industrial processes.
Currently, we are in full adoption of a new revolution, the Internet, the microchip, the digitalisation of processes, the cloud, and artificial intelligence. For the first time we must not develop a logistics aimed at tangible elements, now we also need to optimise the processes of intangibles, which means nothing more or nothing less, that a new transformation of production systems is approaching, the fourth industrial revolution is to arrive.

The industry 4.0 is breaking: machines, tools, operators, warehouses, packaging, the entire chain will be interconnected, the intangible will be as important as the tangible, the information will be increasingly valuable, terms such as data mining, Big Data, hyper-connectivity, 3D technologies, BIM platforms, smart energy, Smart Grid, Smart Cities, biomedical technology, electric mobility will be part of the daily life of the new generations of UK biggest logistics.

But, do not worry, if you are unfamiliar with some of these terms do not get scared, these new platforms are in the process of implementation and in a few years when these are already part of the day to day their use will be adopted easily, as well as the dynamics of new technologies they will always be aimed at making their manoeuvrability easier than the previous one. The same has happened with other types of technologies such as the internet, an invention that was born as a tool of ultra-secret communication during the cold war and today is a system used by older and older children.

New technologies should not scare them, but if motivated, their processes should adapt as quickly as possible to the fourth industrial revolution, the 4.0 will not wait, their logistics department should support the implementation of new technologies, carry out induction programs to staff, and try that the new personnel already bring some type of knowledge in these processes.
If something has made history clear, it is that the peoples that are able to adapt in less time to the different technological revolutions are called to lead the world in the following years, on the contrary, history has also shown that the punishment for whom is not able to get on the bus is underdevelopment.

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